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Ranelagh Primary School

Ranelagh Primary School

School News

Children's Mental Health Week 3rd February - 9th February 2025

The week beginning 3rd February 2025, launches Children's Mental Health Week.  Ranelagh and the nation will be learning about having good mental health and ways we can achieve this. 

We will be discussing, debating and deliberating about our mental health and wellbeing during the week. 
On Friday 7th, we will be having a non-uniform day to celebrate all of our learning around this. On this occasion, there is no donation or cost - just be happy!

Parents and carers can also get involved too. Just click on the link


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  • Top Of The League

    Published 25/03/19

    Ranelagh Primary School has won the TTLT Spring Term sport competitions. Key Stage 1 pupils somersaulted us into first place with their amazing Gymnastics routines. Over the last term, Ranelagh has topped each of the competitions involving 11 schools across Newham. This is an amazing achievement and a credit to Ranelagh's coaches- Mr Mason and Mr Riches . Thanks to all of the children and staff involved in making Ranelagh victorious this Spring Term. For a full update see the @SportTapscott newsletter.


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  • The Tapscott Learning Trust's 1st Annual Report for 2017/18

    Published 15/03/19
    The Tapscott Learning Trust’s 1st Annual Report for 2017/18 to Parents/Stakeholders has now been published. Please click here to view our e-version or follow this link:
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  • Get Doing - by Ranelagh's School Council

    Published 12/03/19
    On 6th March 2019, Ranelagh's School Council  attended WE Day UK 2019 . WE Day is a celebration of young people making a difference in their local and global communities. Due to our commitment to raising money for global charities, we were l
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  • Attention! Eyes Forward...

    Published 08/03/19

    In an increasingly competitive world of work, gaining a broad range of life skills and experience is more vital for young people than ever.

    Children, staff and the Local Community at Ranelagh Primary school celebrated the official opening of the Junior Volunteer Police Cadet Unit which has been running at Ranelagh since September 2018. The cadet unit offers boys and girls from years 5 and 6 a wide range of skills in policing. These have included learning the drill (marching), discussing police topics such as stop and search and discussing ways to self-regulate. Through weekly meetings at the school, children take part in team building exercises to develop the spirit of collaboration and good citizenship.

    Distinguished Guests with Ranelagh Cadets

    The official launch of Ranelagh Junior police cadets was on Wednesday 27th February 2019. It was held in front of many honourable guests -Deputy Lieutenant for Newham; the Deputy Mayor; distinguished councillors; Detective Superintendent and the Chair of the Trustees for TTLT, Mr Andi Smith. The event began with official speeches by Shella Lawrenson, the Headteacher of Ranelagh, who talked about the success of the unit and how the unit encourage the values held at the heart of Ranelagh- resilience and responsibility .

    Distinguished guests Andrew Packer, Detective Superintendent Newham Police and John Barber, Deputy Lieutenant for Newham praised the programme and its aim to inspire young people to participate positively in their communities.

    Chair of trustees for The Tapscott Learning Trust, Andi Smith and Paul Harris CEO of TTLT spoke of the programme promoting a practical understanding of policing that gives children life-long skills.

    Local councillors, police officers, school PTA members, parents and Ranelagh staff were also present to witness an official Oath Taking Ceremony and Cadet Drill, which was inspected by the visitors.

    Mrs Lawrenson and the Deputy Lieutenant of Newham inspect the troops

    Community and Clubs lead, Aisha Sheikh, spoke of the successes of the Unit and how children had shown `commitment and resilience’ in their weekly sessions.

    Recently, Ranelagh cadets had a team building exercise at Plaistow police station where they had a tour of the station and took part in activities linked to police powers and dealing with confrontation.  They also took police officer safety training and judo training with John Harding (MBE). Children spoke of their exciting day at the station which included being locked in the cells!!

    The police cadets have been on a trip to Flip Out for team-building and have many more activities planned such as camping and Cinema trips.

    For more information , please visit   

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  • Changes are afoot

    Published 01/03/19

    New entrance gates, lamp-posts knocked down and the pavement lowered - at last the new build begins.

    Over the last few years, Ranelagh has been in the process of major renovations and you have been so patient whilst the rejuvenation takes place.

    From these photos, you can see how Ranelagh has drastically improved.


    In the last 3 years, lots has been achieved-the outside of the building had an uplift . The playgrounds have been brought back to life with  new parks and relaxation areas . All of the classrooms were decorated from dull green to vibrant blue. Canopies have ensured the outdoor area over reception is inspiring. We now have canopies in KS1 and nursery playgrounds .

    Starting form 12th March the new extension will be starting. By Summer 2020, Ranelagh will have a brand new nursery and brand new admin offices. As we are becoming a first choice school , the build will ensure that Ranelagh can grow into a 3-form entry.

    These are the plans for our new extension

    We are all very excited - we will be keeping you updated with all the latest building news.

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  • Dodgeball Victors - Top of the League

    Published 01/03/19

    Congratulations to Ranelagh for winning the Dodgeball Festival.

    This win makes us top of the league-below are the current league standings. With 3 more competitions to go, can we keep our place at the top?



    League Placings





















    Central Park















    North Beckton










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  • Message from Parent Governor Mr Amadou Jammeh

    Published 26/02/19

    Hello, it’s great to meet you here and thanks for taking the time to read Ranelagh Primary School’s Newsletter. Please let me take this opportunity to introduce myself as one of the parent Governors of Ranelagh Primary School representing the amazing and hardworking parents whose children are learning at Ranelagh. I have crossed paths with many of you on school runs, parents’ evenings, summer and winter fairs, but never really had the chance to formally introduce myself as your representative on Ranelagh Primary School’s Local Advisory Board (LAB), which performs the following key roles:

    • Setting the strategic direction of the school
    • Ensuring accountability of senior leadership team of the school
    • Providing support and challenging the leadership team of the school on all issues that affect the learning and welfare of pupils.
    • Monitoring and evaluating the school’s performance
    • Ensuring that the school is a safe, healthy and an inclusive environment.

      As a Link Governor, I have specific responsibility to work with and support the school’s senior leadership team in their efforts to continue to embed empowered leadership, through self-reflection and school analysis to drive strategic decisions. This is a role I enjoy very much as it resonates with many of my own responsibilities as Director of Studies for Newcastle University in London.

    I attended the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) meeting on Tuesday 5th February 2019. The PTA is doing an amazing job supporting the pupils, parents, and staff of Ranelagh Primary School. It was an absolute privilege to hear them speak so passionately about many of the wonderful projects and events they have delivered at Ranelagh. I am delighted to inform you that they are working on staging many more exciting projects and events in the future. Thanks once again and please come and say hello next time we bump into each other on the school runs.


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  • Space Visit for Year 5

    Published 26/02/19

    Last week, Year 5 went where no man has gone before (apart from 390,000 young visitors!) ,they visited the Science Museum. Having learned all about the Space Race this term, the children were fascinated to see real life astronauts’ costumes, pieces from the moon and other planets. Having designed their own rockets, they were able to compare the original prototypes with their own. Pupils added to their already extensive knowledge finding out about space, constellations and satellites.



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  • Remembering Victims of Holocausts - 25/01/2019

    Published 30/01/19

    Five Year 6 pupils represented Ranelagh at The Holocaust Memorial event in Newham Town Hall on Friday. The children were fortunate enough to hear from Holocaust survivor Polish-born Harry Olmer BEM, who gave a powerful recount of his experiences in 5 different concentration camps. The 91-year-old was only 12 when the Second World War started.

    He emphasised the need for children to have an understanding of what can happen if we do not stand up to racism, prejudice or hate against those that are different by race or religion. ”This is a message that is relayed in every aspect of our Curriculum. The children were moved and immensely respectful,” Mr Hurrell, the Ranelagh Curriculum Lead

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  • All Things Festive

    Published 18/12/18

    As we all know, Ranelagh loves to get into the spirit of Christmas, and this year was no different. Classrooms and hallways have been adorned with decorations, children have been singing carols and Christmas tunes throughout December and Christmas jumpers have made several appearances in the last few weeks to name but a few of the many exciting things…

    The festivities were truly up and running on Friday 7th December, starting with our wonderful Winter Fair led by our fabulous PTA and Mrs Sheikh. Following that, on Wednesday 12th December, our whole school Christmas lunch and Christmas Jumper Day was a real hit: The children and staff enjoyed dressing up like Christmas morning and the school managed to raise money to boot, in support of Save the Children, with each child donating £1.

    Later on that afternoon parents and carers joined in jubilant voice to sing carols around the Christmas tree. Led by our fantastic school choir and brilliant pianists Mr. Hurrell and Ms Saxon, parents and children alike cosied up, singing Silent Night, We Three Kings and other famous carols. Some were even treated to the delights of a mince pie!

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  • Powered By School Dinners

    Published 26/11/18

    Soggy semolina, lumpy mashed potato and leathery liver are memories of many people’s school meal. That has all changed over the years, children have a lunch menu, at times, befitting of the Queen herself.

    Last Wednesday, the Ranelagh community -including the Deputy Mayor of Newham, joined together to celebrate our amazing school meals. To celebrate 25 years of National School Meal Week, Ranelagh was asked to join in to promote ‘Powered by School Meals.'

    Having a healthy and balanced school dinner is vital for children’s wellbeing. The five important areas that are ‘powered’ by school food are: Energy, Concentration, Attainment, Education and Nutrition.

    Staff and children ran, skipped and jumped as they demonstrated Energy that food creates. Attainment and concentration was demonstrated by children solved a magnetic in the quickest time possible. Year 4 loved it.


    The scientist demonstrated how carbon dioxide is denser than oxygen. “The balloon filled with carbon dioxide fell to the ground quickly” remarked Jamilson from Year 4, our keen scientific observer. The children were wowed when they saw that lemons attached to electric leads can cause a bulb to light. “This is why we need to eat fruit,” said Franklyn from Year 4, “as this is the energy we get from it.”

    The whole school were treated to beans and the many ways in which you you can eat them – with Tortilla chips being the most popular. The nutritional value of beans is immense - 3 heaped tablespoons of beans is one of your 5 a day.

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  • Ranelagh Remembers

    Published 13/11/18

    On the eleventh day, at the eleventh hour, in 1918, the First World War was brought to an end. An armistice was signed in a railcar in the French forest of Compiègne, marking the conclusion to the bloodiest war the world had ever witnessed. This past weekend nations around the world commemorated the centenary of the armistice and paid tribute to so many fallen soldiers and heroes whose lives ended much too soon as a result of the conflict.

    At Ranelagh, children across the school honored those affected by not only the First World War but all conflicts and wars since by reflecting on loss and holding a minutes silence at 11:00. Year 6, who are learning about the Great War as part of their Ranelagh Curriculum topic, led a very poignant assembly on Tuesday, explaining the causes of the war, reading and sharing poetry and singing a beautiful rendition of Pack Up Your Troubles by George Powell.

    They also spoke of their recent visit to the Shrouds of the Somme exhibit, currently on show in the Olympic Park. The display was made by artist Rob Heard and is made up of 72,396 shrouded figures, each representing a British Commonwealth serviceman who was killed at the Somme and who has no known grave, and many of whose bodies were never recovered from the battlefield.

    “I never really understood just how many soldiers 72,000 is,” Avril in Year 6 explained. “Seeing them lying on the grass like that – it’s mind boggling, and so sad.”

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  • TTLT Logo
  • History Quality Mark Gold
  • Let's get Cooking 2012
  • Music Mark
  • Ruth Miskin Trained School
  • Quality Mark
  • British Council International School award
  • Healthy Schools
  • London Education Partnership Winner 2011
  • PSQM silver award
  • Educational Outcomes Awards 2015
  • FAST
  • London Schools Gold Club 2015-16
  • IQM Inclusion Quality
  • Autism Education Trust
  • LGFL Digital Awards Winner 2018
  • Computing at School - Lead School 2018-2019
  • Quality Mark Award - Profession Development
  • Quality Mark Gold Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award
  • Stonewall Education Champion
  • LPPA Award
  • School Mental Health Gold Award
  • School Games Gold 2021/22
  • Geography
  • Healthy Street
  • Geography
  • EVC
  • IQM Flagship award 2024
  • IQM Inclusive School award 2024