Return to School September 2021
We are looking forward to your child returning on Thursday 2nd September 2021. As you may know, the government guidelines have changed for educational settings. The link can be found here What parents and carers need to know about early years providers, schools and colleges.
At Ranelagh we have updated the risk assessment which you can receive if you contact the office.
Remember: School begins at 8.55am and ends at 3.00pm — from Friday your child will walk into the building from 8.40 am.
How will I drop off and collect my child ?
Year Group |
Location |
Nursery |
Nursery Playground |
Reception |
Reception Playground |
Year 1 and Year 2 |
Year 1 Playground |
Years 3,4,5 and 6 |
KS2 Playground |
If your child is in Year 5 or Year 6, and you want your child to walk home alone, please fill in this Year 5 or Year 6 Home Alone
How will you limit the risk of infection for my child ?
Hygiene protocols will remain in place.
Children will wash their hands at the start of the day and when they return from the playground and before lunch.
There will be a cleaner during the day to clean communal surfaces, toilets and classrooms.
Windows will be open for good ventilation - your child needs to bring a jumper to school.
Outdoor learning will continue, please make sure your child brings a jumper or coat.
I don’t feel comfortable about sending my child to school. Do they have to attend?
Ranelagh is looking forward to welcoming your child back to school and have taken precautions to ensure the school environment is as safe as possible. However, we understand that some parents, for a variety of reasons, may still be anxious about this. Please ring the school, and we can have a member of our admissions team talk to you.If you do not send your child in, you may well be fined at this time.
What happens if my child gets symptoms?
Please keep your child off school and take a PCR test.
What happens if a person in my household gets symptoms and tests positive?
Your child can still come to school, but it is strongly advised that your child gets a PCR test.
What happens if another child in my child’s class gets symptoms and tests positive?
Your child can come to school, but it is strongly advised that your child gets a PCR test.
Will my child be able to learn at home if they are feeling well but need to isolate?
Yes, there will be learning provided on Google Classroom for your child and a paper copy of a CGP exercise book.
Does my child have to wear a school uniform?
Yes, but when it is their PE day, they can wear their PE kit.
Will my child still be in a bubble?
No, they will be able to mix with their class during learning time and other year groups during play times.
Will I be able to talk to my child's class teacher?
Yes, teachers will be available at the end of the day, or you can talk to a member of staff in the playground, and they will contact the teacher.
We look forward to seeing you all, if you have any further questions do not hesitate to get in touch via email, or telephone 0208 5344364. We will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible.