At Ranelagh Primary School, Science is taught as a core subject. Pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2 have 2 lessons of Science planned for each week.
Pupils are provided with enrichment in learning through investigations to strengthen their enquiry skills. Through practical investigations, they gain and strengthen skills around deciding the best way to carry out an investigation, make predictions, participate in hands on learning, make observations and recording their findings. Pupils highlight their understanding and knowledge of Science through sharing and discussing what they know, what they have learnt and suggest what they would like to explore and investigate further. Whether working in a group, with a partner for shared learning, or independently, each child is ensured their tasks suit the level of understanding in order for the pupil to get the best out of their learning. |
Pupil learning and progress is monitored regularly at the end of each unit and again at the end of each academic year to assess where they are at according to their year group.
Staff at Ranelagh are regularly updated with any new initiatives that take place around Science. The New Curriculum for Science will now be taught from September 2014, to ensure we keep with the high quality and standards of teaching at all times. Ranelagh became a Forest School in September 2019, links to the science curriculum have been pit into the Long Term Plan. Pupil’s work is highlighted and celebrated through display work, weekly recordings of science in their books and sometimes shared through assemblies. Work is cross linked to other subjects of the curriculum as has been done with Geography and work around the Thames for Summer term. |
Science is helping our pupils to become independent learners, to challenge their thinking, knowledge and understanding as they are encouraged and given opportunities to ask questions around their learning of Science and the World around them.